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In all cities and countries, the weather is different. for example, in our city the weather is always volatile. sometimes it's sunny, sometimes it's raining, even snow. but i really love rain, especially at home. you can look out the window as rain drips, rest, looking at it. you can take the book to read, paint in the album, looking out the window. usually i do this, i like it and i rest so. (in the literal sense) it's calming me down. перевод: во всех городах и странах разная погода. например, у нас в городе погода всегда изменчивая. иногда солнечная, иногда идет дождь, даже снег. но я люблю дождь, особенно дома. можно смотреть в окно, как капает дождь, отдыхать, смотря в это. можно взять книгу почитать, порисовать в альбоме, смотря в окно. обычно я так делаю, мне это нравится и я так отдыхаю. ( в прямом смысле ) меня это успокаивает.

(your name): hello alice, how are you? alice: i'm good thanks for asking, what about you? (your name): i am also good. so do you have any plans for sunday aftenoon? alice: no i dont, do you want to do something? (your name): yeah! i was thinking maybe we could go to the movies? how does that sound? alice: that sounds great! what movie should we go see? (your name): i was thinking maybe black panter, i heard it's good! alice: alright, i trust you! so tomorrow aftenoon at 5 o'clock at the movies right? (your name): that's right! see ya there!

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