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Назовите номер абзаца, в котором participle i (причастие i) является определением. выпишите это предложение и переведите его на язык. 1. edinburgh, the capital of scotland, is not the largest city in scotland. glasgow, which has a population of over one million, is twice as large as edinburgh. 2. even so, edinburgh remains the centre of the life of scotland. here are the administrative centres of the navy, the army, and the air force, the chief banks and offices; and the famous university. 3. edinburgh, unlike glasgow, has no large factories. publishing is its well-known industry. it has been famous for its printers since the early years of the sixteenth century, when the first scottish printing-press was set up within its walls. the publishing of books is today a very important industry. 4. edinburgh is a beautiful city. the first thing you see in edinburgh is edinburgh castle standing on the rock – the very large hill in the middle of the city. from the top of the castle there is a beautiful view of the hill and the sea. 5. edinburgh is famous for many things: its festivals (plays and music), its college of medicine, its museums and libraries, and for its writers. ((

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4. the first thing you see in edinburgh is edinburgh castle standing on the rock – the very large hill in the middle of the city. standing participle i определение

первое, что ты видишь в эдинбурге, это эдинбургский замок, стоящий на скале – большом холме в центре города

1) i am speaking to tom on the phone now.2) it is getting very hot.i think we should get out of the sun.3) i think we should stop now because it is getting dark.4) you look serious. what are you thinking about? 5) i am tasting this soup to see if it's hot enough.6) why are you smelling that meat? is   there something wrong with it? 7) bod loves roses because they smell so nice.8) we are having dinner now but i'll help you later if you have a problem.9) mary is having a good time in india and she'll call you when she has time.

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