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2. put in the correct verb forms and the nouns into the gaps. use present continuous. 1) in the lake? (lisa/to swim) 2) your brother? (you/to help) 3) a museum? (he/to visit) 4) her t-shirt? (doris/to wash) 5) home? (they/to run) 6) to the radio? (henry/to listen) 7) the buckets? (the boys/to carry) 8) the string of the kite? (she/to hold) 9 )breakfast? (we/to make) 10) the computer? (ron and fred/to check)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) is   lisa swimming  in the lake? 2) are   you helping your brother? 3) is he visiting a museum? 4) is dorish washinf her t-shirt? 5) are they running home? 6) is henry listening to the radio? 7) are the boys carring the buckets? 8) is she holding the string of the kite? 9) are we making breakfast? 10) are ron and fred checking the computer?

I(am writing) to you from cambridge. we (arrived) in london on tuesday and (have been) in england for five days already. our hotel (is situated) not far from the city centre. i (am impressed) by the beauty of cambridge. it (is known) as one of the oldest cities of the country. its university (was found) in the 13th century. i (have already taken) a lot of wonderful pictures and (boughty) some souvenirs for you. tomorrow we (are going) to manchester. i hope our journey (will not be) very tiring. the weather here (is) very changeable. it (rained) for some hours in the morning but now the sun is shining and the sky (is) cloudy describe to you everything i (alre we (to have) enough time to (to return) home. здесь опечатки.

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