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Alice i was a teenager in the fifties, they were exciting times. a lot of terrible things had happened in the second world war and when it ended in 1945 people needed to have sortie fun every saturday, l used to go to a ballroom where a (big band played live jazz, there was a craze called swing dancing, which we loved. we went to the cinema a lot, too. it used to cost two shillings then. nowadays, there are so many machines and gadgets. remember that a family in our street bought a black-andi-white tv and we all went to their house to watch it. i'd only seen them in the shops before that. and of course, in those days we hadn't seen a computer or a mobile phone day are respectful, but they want everything now. maybe their parents buy them too many things. becky visited my gran last weekend and she'd found some of her old photos. they were interesting. really liked the hairstyle s and fashions, especially the big skirts and teena (io guys in suits! ow we go to (dis cos, but we don't dance to live music there. most teenagers are watches black-and-white.tv anymore my gran is sometimes shocked by tile bad language and violence on tv but she s cool about most things. she thinks it's (good that more study and work now. she says women have more opportunities now. l wan and she's really interested in that. my gran left school when she was sixteen and got married when she was twenty. think people wait longer she and my granddad had! bought a house it's true that teenagers have got more these days butt don't think we're all spoilt. some teenagers can be rude, but try to be nice and polite to older people because, like ту gran says, i'll be old one day.

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Понравилась прическа sи моды, особеннобольшие юбки и teena (ioпарни в костюмах! вл идём к (dis соз,но мы не потанцевать под живую музыку там. наиболееподросткичасы black-and-white.tv больше моя бабушкаиногда в шоке от плитки плохим языкоми насилие по телевидению, но она круто о большинствевещи. она думает, что это (хорошо, что большеучебы и работы в настоящее время. она говорит, что женщины имеют большевозможности сейчас. л тусклыйи она действительно заинтересован в этом. мой левый регланшколы, когда ей было шестнадцать лет, и вышла замужкогда ей было двадцать лет. думаю, что люди ждать дольшеонаи мой дедимел! купил домэто правда, что подростки получили больше в эти днистыковой не думаю, что мы все испорчено. некоторые подросткиможет быть грубым, но стараюсь быть хорошим и вежливымпожилые люди, потому что, как говорит реглан ту,я будустарый один день

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