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Dобведи правильный вариант ответа 1. did jessie help you make the costumes monday / yesterday 2. i didn`t act in the school play this night / year, unfortunately 3. my cousins arrived from london a week last / ago 4. the new burger bar opened in / on january 5. did the concert start on / at 8 pm yesterday? 6. he first started leaning to play the guitar in / at 2012 7. michael didn`t want to come to the cinema yesterday night / evening 8. i go to photography classes on / at fridays

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. yesterday. 2)vbndhnmm fnmnvb ghjnbb

1. did jessie help you make the costumes yesterday? 2. i didn`t act in the school play, unfortunately. 3. my cousins arrived from london a week ago. 4. the new burger bar opened in january. 5. did the concert start at 8 pm yesterday? 6. he first started learning to play the guitar in 2012. 7. michael didn`t want to come to the cinema yesterday night. 8. i go to photography classes on fridays.

fish - рыба 

ham - ветчина

milk - молоко 

cake - торт, кекс 

Популярно: Английский язык