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Закончите предложения в past simple: i. now he studies english but at school . 2. now he often sleeps in the daytime but he never before. 3. now she knows something about the life of these people but before she came to live here she . 4. now i like classical music but when i was . 5. i am a student now but last year . 6. he leaves home at 8 oclockin the morning but when he lived in the country . 7. he doesn't smoke now but only a few months ago . 8. she seldom writes to me now but there film was a time when she . 9. this year we go to the cinema at weekends but last year . 10. we usually watch tv in the evening but last night .

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I. now he studies english but at school he studied french. 2. now he often sleeps in the daytime but he never slept in the daytime before. 3. now she knows something about the life of these people but before she came to live here she knew nothing. 4. now i like classical music but when i was 18 i liked rock. 5. i am a student now but last year i was a pupil. 6. he leaves home at 8 oclock in the morning but when he lived in the country he left home at 7. 7. he doesn't smoke now but only a few months ago he smoked. 8. she seldom writes to me now but there was a time when she wrote to me more often. 9. this year we go to the cinema at weekends but last year we went to the cinema once a month. 10. we usually watch tv in the evening but last night we watched it in the afternoon .

Gap вернемся немного назад – в 2010 год. компания gap пыталась изменить логотип их товарного знака на нечто более легкое и «причесанное». и что же из этого вышло?   во всяком случае, вот какого мнения были об этом покупатели.  дизайн старого логотипа был предельно прост: прописные буквы на темно-синем фоне. он был везде – на каждом фирменном пакете и коробке. ребрендинг вызвал такую негативную реакцию со стороны покупателей, что gap  отказались   от нового логотипа уже через неделю. фактически, после редизайна бренд стал походить на дешевую копию себя прежнего.  в gap быстро поняли, что при всей пользе нестандартного мышления, к созданию логотипа лучше подходить по старинке.

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