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2. сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными. 1. the secretary is typing a letter. 2. the sun is shining brightly. 3. the cat is running along the wall. 4. my mother is cooking a meal. 5. my father is reading a book. 6. they are having an english lesson now. 7. she is running home. 8. the children are singing a new song. 9. my brother is listening to music. 10. you are driving too slowly.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Отрицательные : the secretary isn't typing a letter. the sun isn't shining brightly. the cat isn't running along the wall. my mother isn't cooking a meal. my father isn't reading a book . they aren't having an english lesson now. she isn't running home. the children aren't singing a new song. my brother isn't listening to music. you aren't driving too slowly вопросительные : is the secretary typing letter? is the sun shining brightly? is the cat running along the wall? is my mother cooking a meal? is my father reading a book? are they having an english lesson now? is she running home? are the children singing a new song? is my brother listening to music? are you driving too slowly?

:придумайте  свои   предложения, используя эти слова. позвольте  вашим одноклассникам согласиться или не согласиться с вами:   легко, важно, известный, трудно, чудесный, тихий, милый, дорого.  write the test will be easy - написать тест будет легко. environmental research is important. - исследование окружающей среды  - это важно. pushkin famous russian writer. -  пушкин - известный писатель. how  difficult   was the test? - насколько трудным был тест? today on the street wonderful weather. -  сегодня на улице прекрасная(чудесная) погода.   this kitten is very lovely. - этот котёнок милый. i was awakened by a quiet rustling. - меня разбудил тихий шорох. recycling is  expensive. - переработка- это дорого.

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