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1)не звони мне с 7 до 8. мы будем ужинать 2)я посмотрю фильм к 8 часам вечера 3)на небе тучи, скоро пойдёт дождь 4)я надеюсь, он придёт на праздник 5)осторожно! ваза вот-вот упадёт! 6)мой друг будет рад, если я подарю ему эту игру 7)не спеши поезд отходит в 7 часов. сейчас только 5 8)когда том вернётся из поездки, мы пригласим его на ужин 9)посмотри у нас закончилось молоко я пойду в магазин и куплю

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Это нужно перевести? если так то: don't call me from 7 to 8. we will dine. i will watch the movie at 8 o'clock in the evening there are clouds, it will rain soon i hope he will come to party be careful! the vase is about to fall my friend will be happy if i'll give him this game don't hurry, the train departs at 7. now is only 5 when tom returns we will invite him to the dinner look, our milk has ended i'll go the shop/market and buy some

1) don't call me from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. we will be having supper. 2) i will watch the movie to 8 o'clock in the evening. 3) in the sky there are clouds , soon it will be raining. 4) i hope he will come to a holiday. 5) carefully! the vase is falling! 6) my friend will be glad if i   present him this game.. 7) don't hurry up,   the train departs at 7 o'clock. now it is only 5 o'clock. 8) when tom returns from a trip, we will invite him to a dinner. 9) look , we milk had finished. 10) i will go to shop and buy something.

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