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Скакими обычаями и праздниками своих земляков ты знаком? участником каких народных праздников тебе довелось быть?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Праздник ивана купала.обычно на этот праздник девушки плетут венки и отпускают в речку,прыгают через костёр,водят хороводы.

I believe that volunteers and their help are very much in need nowadays. These people are willing to selflessly help other people. At any time of the day, they are ready to come to the rescue. Volunteers take care not only about people but they are also concerned about animals and about nature. Volunteers help to clean rivers, forests, they plant new trees and shrubs in cities, thus making them more livable. Volunteers save animals from poachers, they provide assistance to animals if they are injured.   That is fine if you become a volunteer. The main thing is to be kind and friendly and to do the best to others.  Then the world will definitely be better.


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