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Дополнить текст с who,whose,which,where a driver have driven down the same street only a few minutes before ,had lost control of his car. the landed on its roof,burst into flames immediately . mr o'brian, thinking helped save the driver's life,got out of his car and saw that there was a man in the driver's seat .mark phoned the fire brigade and then ran back to his own kept a fire extinguishers . he rushed back to the scene just as another man was approaching .o'brien and the other not been seen since the accident ,managed to put out the fire. they then broke the passenger window with a stone and freed the was not seriously injured .he was taken to hospital condition had been described as 'comfortable'

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1which 2 which 3whose 4 where 5 which 6 which 7 where как-то

1) i, he, she, it, we, you, they это обычные местоимения, которые используются когда человек про которого ты говоришь выполняет какое-то действие. he goes to school. i read a book. you gave me an apple. 2) my, his, her, its, our, your, their это притяжательные местоимения которые ставятся перед объектом о котором идет речь. this is my car. it is her cup. those are their books. 3) mine, his, hers, it's, ours, yours, theirs это тоже притяжательные местоимения, но в отличие от предыдущих в предложении они ставятся после объекта. либо используются в предложениях в которых нет сказуемого. these are friends of mine. this pen is hers. that house is ours. / who does owns this car? it's theirs.

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