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Составьте предложения из данных слов. обратите внимание на знак в конце предложения 1. was , this , film , new , success , a ? 2. tomorrow , when , be , will , the , over , lessons , your ? 3. over, are , the , who , people , there ? 4. usually , all , are , children , of , circus , fond ? 5. in , museum , this , pictures , are , of , this , famous , all , painter , situated ? 6.they , why , were , so , yesterday , happy ? 7. last , friends , you , your , were , where , and , holiday ? 8. was , late , he , why ? 9. new , your , number , is , what , telephone ? 10. will , be , when , you , free , tomorrow ?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. was this new film a success? 2. when will your lessons be over tomorrow?   3. who are the people over there? 4. are all children usually fond of circus?   5. are all famous pictures of this painter situates in this museum?   6. why were they so happy yesterday? 7. where were you and your friends last holiday? 8. why was he late? 9. what is your new telephone number? 10. when will you be free tomorrow?  

1. the tourists were glad as the programme had been planned well by their guide.

2. my parents' advice is correct, but i don't think i will be able to follow it.

3. the teacher gave some comments about his students' tests and said that three students had got the best marks.

4. we heard he had published his new novel a year ago. have you read it? what is it about?

5. we heard him talking loudly to his boss. they were arguing again.


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