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Составить 7 вопросов к тесту на . вот текст. cleopatra's needle there is an unusual monument in london. it is in the centre of london on the bank of the thames, not far from trafalgar square, and it is called cleopatra's needle. it is an obelisk made of red granite its height is 20.87 metres and it weighs about 187 tons. the obelisk is covered with hieroglyphs that tell us about the war victories of the pharaohs of ancient egypt. but how did the obelisk that has the name of a beautiful queen appear in london? is it possible that cleopatra herself ever visited the misty banks of the thames? the obelisk was cut from granite in egypt in the 15th century bc. there were only several obelisks of that kind in heliopolis. a thousand years later, two of them were transported to alexandria. after a couple of centuries, one of the two fell in an earthquake. much later, in 1819, the last one was given as a present to the british nation by mahommed ali, the ruler of egypt. it was not easy to transport it from egypt to england. a special metal container was made. the needle was put into it and then taken aboard a ship. it was a dangerous and tragic voyage. six sailors died, and the obelisk was nearly lost at sea. in spite of all the problems, it arrived in london and in 1879 was put on the pedestal near the thames. there is one more curious thing about the obelisk. perhaps it could be called a present for archaeologists of the future because under the obelisk there are some objects from today's world. they can give unique information about our time. the scientists of the future will find bibles in various languages, british empire coins, a railway guide, daily newspapers, and twelve photographs of the most beautiful british women. вот примерный перевод. существует необычный памятник в лондоне. он находится в самом центре лондона, на берегу темзы, недалеко от трафальгарской площади, и он называется игла клеопатры. это обелиск из красного гранита. его высота составляет 20,87 метров и весит около 187 тонн. обелиск покрыт иероглифами, которые говорят нам о военных победах фараонов древнего египта. но как же обелиск, который имеет название красивой королевы появился в лондоне? возможно ли, что клеопатра сама когда-либо посещала туманные берега темзы? обелиск был вырезан из гранита в египте в 15-м веке до нашей эры. было только несколько обелисков такого рода в гелиополисе. тысячу лет спустя двое из них были доставлены в александрию. через пару веков один из двух упал в результате землетрясения. намного позже, в 1819 году, последний из которых был подарен британской нации мухаммедом али, правителем египта. было нелегко транспортировать его из египта в . был изготовлен специальный металлический контейнер. игла была введена в него, а затем поднята на борт корабля. это было опасное и трагическое плавание. шесть моряков погибли и обелиск был почти утерян в море. несмотря на все проблемы, он прибыл в лондон, а в 1879 году был поставлен на постамент возле темзы.существует еще одна любопытная вещь про обелиск. возможно, это можно назвать подарком для археологов будущего, потому что под обелиском есть некоторые объекты современного мира. они могут дать уникальную информацию о нашем времени. ученые будущего найдут библию на разных языках, британскую империю монеты, железнодорожный путеводитель, ежедневные газеты и двенадцать фотографий самых красивых британских женщин.

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Ответы на вопрос:

  is there an unusual monument in london?   is it in the centre of london on the bank of the thames? how much does it weight? is it an obelisk made of red granite?     is the obelisk   covered with hieroglyphs?   can they  give unique information about our time? was the needle put into it and then taken aboard a ship.

A coronavirus is one of a number of viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, the viruses cause respiratory infections, including the common cold, which are typically mild, though rarer forms such as SARS, MERS and COVID-19 can be lethal. Symptoms vary in other species: in chickens, they cause an upper respiratory disease, while in cows and pigs coronaviruses cause diarrhea. There are no vaccines or antiviral drugs to prevent or treat human coronavirus infections.

Coronaviruses comprise the subfamily Orthocoronavirinae in the family Coronaviridae, in the order Nidovirales.[5][6] They are enveloped viruses with a positive-sense single-stranded RNA genome and a nucleocapsid of helical symmetry. The genome size of coronaviruses ranges from approximately 26 to 32 kilobases, the largest among known RNA viruses. The name coronavirus is derived from the Latin corona, meaning "crown" or "halo", which refers to the characteristic appearance of the virus particles (virions): they have a fringe reminiscent of a crown or of a solar corona.

In 2019, an outbreak began in Wuhan, China, and is ongoing as of February 2020. As of 15 February it has affected over 66,000 people. Because of the virus's contagiousness, mortality rate, and resistance to treatment, it has prompted extensive government action including mandated quarantines. Internationally, countries have limited travel to and from affected regions and implemented screening measures to detect potential carriers of the virus.

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