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Надо сочинение на языке на тему " я люблю весну" 10-15 предложений

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ilove spring. i love the smell of flowers, their swollen buds on the trees, the warm spring pools, cheerful chirping sparrows. spring nature looks unwashed beauty who primp in the mirror. a mirror - blue skies, which run the white fluff of clouds. in the spring and the birds begin to build themselves a nest. and starlings easier because the houses they prepare people in advance. therefore equip starlings nesting boxes and immediately begin to work - to clear the field from the awakened after winter pests. rooks also work, although people do not build their houses. spring - a wonderful time of the year and more because this morning nature awakening from its hibernation.


Кто они? Где они? Что они делают?

Стейси певица. Она любит петь. Она в группе. Она поет в

группе. Она солистка. Иногда она играет на пианино. Чед  это бойфренд Стейси. Он также в группе. Он стоит рядом со Стейси. Он играет  на электрогитаре. Иногда Чед поёт со Стейси. Дин это друг Чеда и  Стейси. Он также в группе. Он стоит рядом с Чедом. Он играет  на бас-гитаре. Дин не поет. Он не любит петь. Группа  практикуется (играет где-то) три раза в неделю. Они в основном выступают в ночных клубах.

Иногда они поют на свадьбах. Они очень хорошая группа.


Who were they? Where were they? What did they do?

Stacy was a singer. She loved to sing. She was in a band. She sang in the

band. She was the lead singer. Sometimes she played the piano. Chad was a Stacy's boyfriend. He was also in the band. He standed next to Stacy. He played the electric guitar. Sometimes Chad sang with Stacy. Dean was Chad's and  Stacy's friend. He was also in the band. He standed next to Chad. He played the bass guitar. Dean did not sing. He didn't to sing. The band

practiced three times a week. They mostly performed at nightclubs.

Sometimes they sang at weddings. They were a very good band.

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