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1. she gave me some useful … (advice, advices) but i didn’t listen. 2. i am surprised at the variety of … (cheese, cheeses) that have appeared in our shops. 3. could you pass me … (a glass, glass) of water? this table is made of … (a glass, glass). 4. by the … (time, times) the bell rang i managed to read the poem several … (times, time). it seemed to me the best piece of literature of all … (times, time). 5. i was presented with a dozen … (handkerchives, handkerchiefs) 6. i need a piece of … . the house was near … (the wood, wood) 7. she looked at him with … . it’s… ann isn’t here. (a pity, pity). 8. i bought two … (dozen, dozens) eggs at the market. pack the eggs in … (dozens, dozen). is it … (egg, an egg) in your sandwich? 9. he cooked … (potato, potatoes) for dinner. 10. … (fish, fishes) travels long distances and different (fish, fishes) … live at different levels of water. 11. the bolshoi theatre is our … (country, country’s) best opera house. 12. from this tower i can get a … (bird’s, birds) view of the city. 13. they gave him some old clothes of … (simon, simon’s). 14. look at the picture of my … (mother, mother’s). she is a person in the picture. 15. look at this picture of my … (mother’s, mother). it belongs to her. 16. here are some photos of my … (friends, friends’). – they are shown in the picture. 17. here are some photos of my … (friends, friends’). they belong to them. 18. this is a few … (hour’s, hours’) work. 19. it’s twenty … (minutes’, minute’s) walk. 20. don’t forget to bring me some of your fantastic … (carrot, carrot’s) cake, will you? 21. … (steve and jane’s, steve’s and jane’s) stories were completely different. 22. schoolchildren have their physical training lessons twice a week. … (a number/the number) of them is not limited by the ministry of education. … (a number/the number) of schools have even more classes of physical culture. 23. … (peter and helen’s, peter’s and helen’s) flat is large. 24. you can buy this medicine at the … (chemist, chemist’s). 25. britain’s … (export, exports) to the us have fallen recently. 26. her new job offers her the opportunity to work at the … (company, company’s) office in tokyo. 27. no one dared to disobey the … (commander-in-chief’s, commander’s-in-chief) orders. 28. my … (father-in-law’s, father’s-in-law) house is in woolen street. 29. 10, downing street is … (the prime minister of england’s, the prime minister’s of england) official residence. 30. he had a few (forget-me-nots, forgets-me-not) in his hands. 31. we found the boy looking through a (children’s, children) magazine. 32. nobody could explain the young girl’s behaviour at … (yesterday’s, yesterday) dinner. 33. …(my friend peter’s, my friend’s peter) watch was five minutes slow. 34. various … (fruit, fruits) grow in this country. 35. two … (hundred, hundreds) delegates took part in the forum. 36. she has got long blond … (hair, hairs). there were only a few … (hair, hairs) left on his bold head. 37. all plane passengers were searched at the … (custom’s, customs). 38. there isn’t enough room in the car for all the … (luggage, luggages). 39. make sure, you arrange some … (accommodation, accommodations) before you leave. 40. this … (means, mean) of transport saves energy. 41. the wagon is being pulled by two … (oxen, ox) . 42. i told the children a fable about … (wolves, wolfs). 43. in science class, we studied various … (phenomena, phenomenon) of nature. 44. when i was in the park yesterday i saw … (gooses, geese). 45. every day i read in the newspaper about a new … (crises, crisis) in the world. 46. selfridges/selfridges’s is one of the biggest stores in london as well as harrods/harrod’s. 47. we shall meet at … (“arrivals and departures”, “arrival and departure”). 48. write … (a 150-word, 150-words) essay on the topic. 49. i shall be back in … (an hour or two, an hour or two’s) time. 50. too much … (knowledge, knowledges) makes the head bald.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. she gave me some useful  advice (всегда в ед.ч.)  but i didn’t listen. 2. i am surprised at the variety of  cheeses  (имеются ввиду сорта сыра)  that have appeared in our shops. 3. could you pass me  a glass  (стакан)  of water? this table is made of  glass (стекло). 4. by the  time (время)  the bell rang i managed to read the poem several  times (несколько раз).  it seemed to me the best piece of literature of all  times (во все времена). 5. i was presented with a dozen  handkerchifs (исключение). 6. i need a piece of   wood  (древесина).  the house was near   the wood (лес). 7. she looked at him with  pity (жалость).  it’s   a pity (устойчивое выражение: как жаль)  ann isn’t here. (a pity, pity). 8. i bought  two dozen  eggs at the market. pack the eggs in dozen. is it    an egg (ед.ч., исчисляемое)  in your sandwich? 9. he cooked  potato (картофель) for dinner. 10.  fish (не имеет мн.ч.)  travels long distances and different  fishes (имеются ввиду виды рыб)  live at different levels of water. 11. the bolshoi theatre is our   country  best opera house. 12. from this tower i can get  a bird’s view (с высоты птичьего полета)  of the city. 13. they gave him some old clothes of  simon (род.падеж). 14. look at the picture of my  mother (род.падеж).  she is a person in the picture. 15. look at this picture of my   mother’s (мамина, притяж.падеж).  it belongs to her. 16. here are some photos of my  friends (род.падеж).  – they are shown in the picture. 17. here are some photos of my   friends’ (притяж.падеж).  they belong to them. 18. this is a  few hour's (несколько часовая работа)  work. 19. it’s twenty  minute's (двадцатиминутная прогулка)  walk. 20. don’t forget to bring me some of your fantastic  carrot cake, will you? 21.  steve and jane’s  stories were completely different. 22. schoolchildren have their physical training lessons twice a week. the number  of them is not limited by the ministry of education.  a number  of schools have even more classes of physical culture. 23.  peter and helen’s flat is large. 24. you can buy this medicine at the  chemist’s (аптека). 25. britain’s  export (экспорт)  to the us have fallen recently. 26. her new job offers her the opportunity to work at the  company  office in tokyo. 27. no one dared to disobey the commander-in-chief’s (составное существительное) orders. 28. my father-in-law’s (составное существительное) house is in woolen street. 29. 10, downing street is the prime minister’s of england official residence. 30. he had a few forget-me-nots in his hands. 31. we found the boy looking through a children magazine. 32. nobody could explain the young girl’s behaviour at yesterday’s dinner. 33. my friend peter’s watch was five minutes slow. 34. various fruits (разные сорта) grow in this country. 35. two hundred delegates took part in the forum. 36. she has got long blond hair (не имеет мн. there were only a few hairs (не волосы, а волоски)  left on his bold head. 37. all plane passengers were searched at the customs (таможня). 38. there isn’t enough room in the car for all the luggage (багаж). 39. make sure, you arrange some accommodations (место для проживания) before you leave. 40. this means of transport (транспортное средство) saves energy. 41. the wagon is being pulled by two oxen (исключение). 42. i told the children a fable about wolves (мн. 43. in science class, we studied various phenomena of nature. 44. when i was in the park yesterday i saw geese (исключение). 45. every day i read in the newspaper about a new crisis in the world. 46. selfridges is one of the biggest stores in london as well as harrods. 47. we shall meet at   “arrival and departure”. 48. write a 150-word essay on the topic. 49. i shall be back in an hour or two time. 50. too much knowledge makes the head bald.

Авот тебе и перевод если надо яна- марк-ты не против если я тебе парочку вопрос? -нет конечно, задавай- сколько денег в неделю ты получаешь? -пять тысяч рублей- откуда ты получаешь эти деньги? - мне их работы-хорошо ли ты обращаешься с деньгами? - даже хорошо- транжира или бережливый человек? -смотря когда и с кем я-марк, что ответил на все мои вопросы! теперь я знаю какой ты человек-не за что обращайся-до скорых встреч-пока! p.s. писала я сама, так что можешь смело переписывать к себе в тетрадь!

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