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Откройте скобки, используя настоящее простое время. at last the new clothes (to be) ready, and the king (to decide) to show them to all the people. he (to go) to the young men, who (to ask) him to take off his old clothes. they (to pretend) that they (to dress) him in his new clothes, but in fact they (not to put) any clothes on him. the king (to walk) about the streets in his new clothes, and the people (to look) at him but nobody (to see) any clothes on him. as they (not to want) to show that they (not to be) fit for their jobs, all the people (to shout): ‘how beautiful the king’s new clothes (to be)! what wonderful clothes the king (to have) on! ’ the king (to be) greatly surprised why he himself (not to see) the clothes which everybody (to see). and again he (not to say) anything, but only (to smile) proudly. suddenly a little child (to say) to his mother: ‘look, mummy, the king (not to have) any clothes on! ’ and then all the people (to begin) to shout, too: ‘look! the king (to have) no clothes on! ’

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Ответы на вопрос:

Are, decides, goes,asks, pretend, dress, don't put, walks, look, sees, don' t want, don't be, shout, are,  has, is, doesn't see , does not say, smiles, says, does not have, begin, has

Are, decides, goes, asks, pretend, dress, don't put, walks, look, see, don't want, aren't, shout, are, has, is, don't see, see, doesn't say, smiles, says, hasn't, begin, has

1is 2am 3am 4.5,6,7,8-am i am                we are                                      your-are                                              they-are he it she it

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