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Вставьте somebody, anybody, nobody ev- erybody. 1. has this group got a dictionary? left a maga- zine in our classroom yesterday. 3. the question was so difficult could answer it 4. i am afraid i shan't be able to in the office now: i is too late. knows that water is necessary for life. 6. is here who knows french? 7. you must find can help you. knew anything about america before columbus discovered it 9. i saw the train yesterday who looked like you.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) anybody 2) somebody 3) nobody 4) somebody 5) everybody 6) anybody 7) somebody 8) nobody 9) somebody

1 She loves animals. She wants to become a vet

2 Does your brother have to wear a uniform at work?

3 David has a degree in Linguistics He can tell you anything you want to know about the English language.

4 My father works as a freelancer from home.

5 Who is the author of this novel?

6 Does your father often work overtime?

7 A cashier is person people pay money to in a shop.

8. I get bad grades in Chemistry I don't like science!

9 My brother works hard because he has to meet tough deadlines

Популярно: Английский язык