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Переделать эти предложения в вопросы.(задать). 1.i didn't want to meet that postman so i had leave quicly. 2.we haven't finished unit seven yet. 3.i wish had a kitten. 4.what were they discussing when you came in? 5.i think they will be able to leave that place on sunday. 6.if is a very nice flat.i'm sure we'll be very comfortable. умоляю,кто хорошо знает язык,

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. didn't you want to meet that postman? - общий с отрицанием

2. we haven't finished unit seven yet, have we? - разделительный

3. do you wish had a kitten? - общий

4. were they discussing anything when you came in? - общий

5. will they be able to leave that place on sunday or on monday? - альтернативный

6. we'll be very comfortable, won't we? - разделительный

Polite - more polite- the mos polite happy - happier - happiest  glad - more glad - the most glad complete - more complete - the most complete grey - greyer - the greyest honourable - more  honourable - the most  honourableshy - shyer - the shyestdry - drier - the driestjust - juster - the most justfree - freer - the freestrecent - more resent - the most recentmerry - merrier - the merriestuncomfortable - more  uncomfortable - the most  uncomfortablejoyful - more joyful - the most  joyful hot - hotter - the hottest thin - thinner - the thinnest accurate - more  accurate - the most  accuratenarrow - narrower - the narrowestreal - more real - the most real sweet - sweeter - the sweetestright - more right - the most rightwicked - more wicked - the most wickedyellow - more yellow - the most yellowcosy - cosier - the cosiest (так же образуются, т.е. y меняется на i : clumsy, lazy, tiny)meciful - more merciful - the most merciful (так же образуются слова: regular, expensive,  significant,  intimate,  serious,  considerate,  beautiful,  miserable,  virtuous)bad - worse - the worstfat - fatter - the fattest (так же образуются слова: big, sad, fit)cheap - cheaper - the  cheapest (так же образуются слова: stupid, deep,  old,  dark, low, bitter, clever, dear)simple - simpler - simlestfar - farther - the farthestlittle - less - the least good - better - the best much - more - the most

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