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I. read and match. прочитайте слова и соотнесите их с переводом. a) snowy b) rainy c) windy d) cloudy e) sunny f) hot g) cold h) warm 1) ветреный 2) холодный 3) снежный 4) жаркий 5) облачный 6) солнечный 7) теплый 8) дождливый answers: a) - 3; b) c) d) e) f) g) h) score (7) ii. fill in the gaps. use the right variant. заполните пропуски, выбрав правильный вариант. 1. she usually her homework at 4. a) does: b) will do. 2. he to london next week. a) goes; b) will go. 3. polly you tomorrow. a) helps; b) will help. 4. they next winter. a) toboggan; b) will toboggan. 5. tiny breakfast at 8 every morning. a) has; b) will have. 6. it often rainy in autumn. a) is; b) will be. score (6) iii. make up sentences. составьте предложения. 1. will, a, kite, fly, jim. 2. play, won’t, he, football. 3. will, hide-and- seek, jill, play? 4. they, will, to, the, park, go? 5. will, go, where, they? 6. will, it, be, not, tomorrow, sunny. score (6) iv. read and fill in the gaps. use the words: picnic, weather, fly, warm, like. прочитайте диалог и заполните пропуски предложенными словами. - what’s the like today? - it’s and sunny. - would you to go to the park and have a . - of course. i can my kite there.

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1.a) - 3b) - 8c) - 1d) - 5e) - 6f) - 4g) - 2h) - 72.1) a2) b3) b4) b5) a6) a3. 1) jim will fly a kite.2) he won't play football.3) will jim play  hide-and-seek? 4) will they go to the park? 5) where will they go? 6) it will be not sunny tomorrow.4.- what’s the  weather   like today? - it’s  warm   and sunny.- would you like  to go to the park and have a   picnic .- of course. i can fly  my kite there.

The cups are on the table.the table is in the room

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