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Впрямую и косвенную речь: таня спросила: "ты бегал в парке вчера? " том спросил: " где моя сумка? " дети спросили маму: " почему мы не можем гулять в саду"? аня сказала: "ты покажешь мне свою новую квартиру"? витя сказал: " твой друг всегда приходит в школу рано"? миша спросил меня: " когда ты пойдешь покупать книги, я хочу пойти с тобой"

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Ответы на вопрос:

Tanya asked, "did you run in the park yesterday? "tom asked, "where's my bag? "the children asked their mother: "why can not we walk in the garden? "anya asked: "will you show me your new flat? "victor  asked: "does your friend always come to school early? "misha said to me: "when you go to buy books, i want to go with you". tanya asked them if they had run in the park the daybefore.tom asked where his bag was.the children asked their mother why they could not walk in the garden.anya asked them if they would show her their new flat.victor wonted to know if their friend always came to school early.misha told me that when i went to buy books, he wanted to go with me.

1.is it on the table 2.the teddy bear toy is in the box

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