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№1. раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в past simple. задайте общий вопрос в past simple. 1. that boy (learn) english. 2. i (drive) to work every day last year. 3. laura (make) tea. 4. james (buy) the book about films. 5. we (leave) them at the same place every week. 6. you (put) our bags there. 7. we (see) the same dreams. 8. mark twain (write) many books. № 3. перепишите следующий текст в прошедшем времени, подчеркнув все измененные сказуемые. on monday we have five lessons. the first lesson is russian. at this lesson we write a dictation and do some exercises. nick goes to the blackboard. he answers well and gets a "five". pete does not get a "five" because he does not know his lesson. after the second lesson i go to the canteen. i eat a sandwich and drink a cup of tea. i do not drink milk. after school i do not go home at once. i go to the library and take a book. then i ride home by bicycle. заранее ! : *

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Ответы на вопрос:

№ 1. раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в past simple. задайте общий вопрос в past simple.


1.that boy learnt english. did that boy learn english.

2. i drave to work every day last year. did i drive to work every day last year.

3. laura made tea. did  laura make tea.

4. james bought the book about films. did james buy the book about films

5. we left  them at the same place every week. did we leave them at the same place every week.

6. you put our bags there.did you put our bags there.

7. we saw the same dreams.did we see the same dreams.

8. mark twain wrote many books. did mark twain write many books.


№ 3. перепишите следующий текст в прошедшем времени, подчеркнув все измененные сказуемые.

on monday we had five lessons. the first lesson was russian. at this lesson we wrote a dictation and did some exercises. nick went to the blackboard. he answered well and got a "five". pete did not get a "five" because he did not know his lesson. after the second lesson i went to the canteen. i ate a sandwich and drank a cup of tea. i did not drink milk. after school i did not go home at once. i went to the library and took a book. then i rode home by bicycle.

косвенная речь  передает слова говорящего не слово в слово, а лишь по содержанию, в виде дополнительного придаточного предложения.

если передается только ее содержание, например, в виде дополнительных придаточных предложений, то она называется  косвенной речью.

для того, чтобы перевести прямую речь в косвенную, нужно опустить запятую после слов, вводящих прямую речь, и кавычки. часто косвенная речь в языке вводится союзом  that, который, впрочем, может быть и опущен:

i said, “it is june.” я сказал: «сейчас июнь». i said (that) it was june. я сказал, что стоял июнь.

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