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Как правильно читается текст ! ) my favorite writer — william shakespeare. i’m always amazed at how he passes his plan, every word in every sentence carries some meaning, a subtext that can not solve since the first reading. i think you’re familiar with his works such as «hamlet» or «romeo and juliet.» it is worth noting that in my opinion as the opinion of many, «romeo and juliet» — you can of his best creations. the tragedy that conquered the whole world, including my heart. at home, on the bookshelf i have is a couple of volumes of his works. i can enumerate the reasons for a long time, but i think you can do that in his works one can find something for themselves, the individual, something that would be close to him alone. fortunately for myself, i have found such a thing.

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Вот транскрипцыя всего текста maɪ  ˈfeɪvərɪt  ˈraɪtə  —  ˈwɪljəm  ˈʃeɪkspɪə.  aɪm  ˈɔːlweɪz  əˈmeɪzd  æt  haʊ  hiː  ˈpɑːsɪz  hɪz  plæn,  ˈɛvri  wɜːd  ɪn  ˈɛvri  ˈsɛntəns  ˈkæriz  sʌmˈmiːnɪŋ,  ə  subtext  ðæt  kæn  nɒt  sɒlv  sɪns  ðə  fɜːst  ˈriːdɪŋ.  aɪ  θɪŋk  jʊə  fəˈmɪljə  wɪð  hɪz  wɜːks  sʌʧ  æz  «ˈhæmlɪt»  ɔː  «ˈrəʊmɪəʊ  ændˈʤuːlɪət.»  ɪt  ɪz  wɜːθ  ˈnəʊtɪŋ  ðæt  ɪn  maɪ  əˈpɪnjən  æz  ði  əˈpɪnjən  ɒv  ˈmɛni, «ˈrəʊmɪəʊ  ænd  ˈʤuːlɪət» —  juː  kæn  ɒv  hɪz  bɛstkri(ː)ˈeɪʃənz.  ðə  ˈtræʤɪdi  ðæt  ˈkɒŋkəd  ðə  həʊl  wɜːld,  ɪnˈkluːdɪŋ  maɪ  hɑːt.  æt  həʊm,  ɒn  ðə  ˈbʊkʃɛlf  aɪ  hæv  ɪz  ə  ˈkʌpl  ɒv  ˈvɒljʊmz  ɒvhɪz  wɜːks.  aɪ  kæn  ɪˈnjuːməreɪt  ðə  ˈriːznz  fɔː r  ə  lɒŋ  taɪm,  bʌt  aɪ  θɪŋk  juː  kæn  duː  ðæt  ɪn  hɪz  wɜːks  wʌn  kæn  faɪnd  ˈsʌmθɪŋ  fɔːðəmˈsɛlvz,  ði  ˌɪndɪˈvɪdjʊəl,  ˈsʌmθɪŋ  ðæt  wʊd  biː  kləʊs  tuː  hɪm  əˈləʊn.  ˈfɔːʧnɪtli  fɔː  maɪˈsɛlf,  aɪ  hæv  faʊnd  sʌʧ  ə  θɪŋ .

1) are many writers c) given ''best book'' awards? 2) the flags of different countries a) are displayed in our english classroom. 3) it's a good idea to protect f) nature. 4) is international literacy day e) celebrated in september? 5) i know this book belongs to jim b) because it has his name on the cover. 6) schoolchildren are d) invited to a lecture in the school library.

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