Завершить третий условные предложения с правильной формы глаголов 1.i don't think so many people )to the concert if they )that the lead singer was ill 2.what ) if i ) you the present earlier ? 3.we ) a lot of money if we ) to a cheaper restaurant 4.he buy) such an expensive guitar if his father give)him the money . 5.if she ) her driving test,she )us to italy 6.nobody )us if we shout ). 7.if you (not run after)me,i fall) 8.why )us if he be)in trouble ?

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Завершить третий условные предложения с правильной формы глаголов 1.i don't think so many people would have come to the concert if they had known that the lead singer was ill 2.what would you have said if i had shown you the present earlier ? 3.we would have saved a lot of money if we had gone to a cheaper restaurant 4.he would not have bought such an expensive guitar if his father had not given him the money . 5.if she had passed her driving test,she would have driven us to italy 6.nobody would have heard us if we had not shouted 7.if you had not run after me,i would not have fallen 8.why would he have phoned us if he had not been in trouble ?

nowadays, a great (41) …variety……… of different food is available vary

from large supermarkets. there are rarely any (42) …shortage……. of short

fresh food, and there is far less (43) …likelihood……. of our having likely

to rely on (44) …frozen……. products. does this mean that supermarkets freeze

have become the most (45) …successful…….. shops of all time? certainly success

they seem to have made some kinds of food less (46) …expensive…. and expense

most people enjoy shopping in them. there has been a (47) …reduction.. reduce

in the number of (48) …complaints……. made against supermarkets in recent complain

years. the assistants are no longer (49) ……impolite… but smile and try to be polite

helpful. above all, supermarkets have shown a (50) …willingness……. to listen willing

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