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Переделать предложения, ! 1 предложение переделано уже, дано как образец. 1. this is the best game(any\as good as) there aren"t any games as good as this one. 2. look at these consoles. they are all expensive.(none\cheap) 3. except for tom,all of my friends play computer games.(most) 4. drive hard isn"t very good and break free isn"t very good.(neither) 5. virtual history is an educational game. maths fun is educational, too.(both) 6. im going to buy a computer game. i like skypilot and lost treasure.(either) 7. there are two games on my computer(many) 8. im too busy to play games(much\time)

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Ответы на вопрос:

2. none of these consoles is/are cheap. 3. most of my friends play computer games. 4. neither drive hard nor break free is very good. 5. bothe virtual history and maths fun are educational games. 6. im going to buy either skypilot or lost treasure computer game. 7. there are not too many games on my computer. 8. i don't have too much time to play games.

My favorite place is the beach (near the lake) where I like to sit and watch the sunset, at this moment I can stay with my own thoughts, sometimes I like to come to this place with friends when it's warm we can play different games with the guys, I really like spending time with my friends watching the sunset.

перевод (Мое любимое место - это пляж (около озера), где я люблю сидеть и наблюдать за закатом, в этот момент я могу думать самостоятельно, иногда мне нравится приходить в это место с друзьями, когда тепло, мы можем играть в разные игры. с парнями, мне очень нравится проводить время с друзьями, наблюдая закат)

Не знаю подойдёт такое, но я написала как могла...

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