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Вставить имена детей сиама в детей было у короля сиама? the king of siam had two daughtwrs. their names were night and day. then the king had two morw daughters.he gave all his daughters new names: spring .then the king got three new daughters.and he gave all of them names after the days of the week: then a new daughter was born.and the king gave all of them new names.the first was january, and when the last girl was born,she got the name september. cпасибо!

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Ответы на вопрос:

Было 9 дочерей. 1) autamn 2) summer 3) monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday. 4)february, march, april, may, june, july, august.

1.oliver twist (was written) by charles dickens in the 1840s.

2. these shoes are really cheap: they (are made ) of plastic.

3. my bicycle (is being repaired) at the moment.

4.my mobile phone (has not been stolen) so far this year .

5. the winner’s name (will be announced ) tomorrow.

6. school uniform must (be worn) at all times.

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