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Ответить на 6 и 7 вопросы с а остальные я уже сделал visiting a home in kazakhstan. yesterday i was invited with my parents , to the home of their kazakhstani friends. we haven't lived in kazakhstan for very long , so this was my first visit to a family home here. i really enjoyed it and i also leaned a lot about customs in kazakhstan . that's what i'm going to write about here - ssome useful information for other foreigners. a lot of things are the same as in england , but some things are different . the first thing is that you should take off your shoes when you go in - or offer to take them off . most people in england don't do that, but here people usually do. people shake hands like in engiand , but here they often use both hands ,not just one hand. after we arrived we were given tea and bread the tea cups were only half filled . that surprised me at first , but now i understand it. people like to refill your cup , so they don't give you too much tea first time. there's another reason too: if they fill the cup to the top , it means you are only welcome for a short visit. later, we had a meal with all the family. the food was delicious , but there was too much food ! i felt completely full . but they kept giving me more food! in england , it's polite to finish everything on your plate , but here the custom is different . here , if you finish everything on your plate , it means you haven't had enough food and you want more . i didn't know that! i think meals here are bigger and longer than in england . kazakhstanis really enjoy them , and they go on for a long tine. tomorrow my new friend, dania, is going to show me round the city. i don't klow where she'll take me, but i'll write about it in my next blog. 1) where is jenny from? 2) what happened yesterday? 3) do people in england usually take off their shoes when they arrive ? . 4)what surprised jenny about the tea ? 5)why was jenny given too much food ? 6)how many differences does she describe in theis blog? 7) is her information all correct ? give your opinion.

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Ответы на вопрос:

6) 3 7) i think all of her information is correct

Lake Hillier

We learn from geography classes that water bodies are marked with blue on the map.

But nature likes to mess with us and creates oddities just like Lake Hillier in Western Australia.

Lake Hillier delights your eye with its pink colour. Moreover, it lies just next to the Pacific Ocean, thus if you watch it from above, the contrast between the mellow pink of the lake and the blue of the ocean is striking.

The reason of its unique colour is still a topic that is not fully understood by scientists  

The Hillier Lake was first discovered in 1802 by navigator and cartographer Matthew Flinders who took samples from the lake and mentioned its existence in his journal.

The lake is located on Middle Island, off the coast of Western Australia. As noted above, the Hillier Lake is quite small, its length is 600 meters and its width is no more than 250 meters. It is surrounded by eucalyptus and paperback trees and the ocean on its northern part.

 For a few years they used to extract salt from the lake but nowadays it is only used for tourism purposes. The water of the lake is otherwise clear and it causes no harm to the human skin but scientists say that a Dunaliella salina algae is completely harmless as well . In fact, swimming in the lake’s water is safe and fun but impossible to do for normal tourists as the lake can’t be visited.

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