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7. complete the sentences with the appropriate modals. 1. it starts raining! we have to/ can/ may hurry up! 2. could/ may/ must you pass me the salt, please. 3. you mustn’t/ needn’t/ don’t have to play with matches. it’s dangerous! 4. you needn’t/ mustn’t/ can’t go by taxi. i can give you a lift. 5. the road is busy. you must/ mustn’t/ needn’t look carefully before you cross it. а) 1.have to 2.could 3.mustn’t 4.needn’t 5.must b) 1.have to 2.may 3.mustn’t 4.mustn’t 5.mustn’t c) 1.can 2.could 3.mustn’t 4.needn’t 5.must d) 1.may 2.could 3.don’t have to 4.mustn’t 5.needn’t

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1have to 2 could 3 mustn't 4 needn't 5 must

The dogs'                     his grandparents'     my grandmother's     the babies' my  sisters' my sister's my friend's my friends' me brothers' the children's

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