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Сочинение по языку на тему как выучить язык?

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The best way to learn english is to go to england or u.s.a. but if you can not do that you will have to go to english classes or find an english friend on the internet and talk with them. if you are in russian school the teacher will teach you how to talk in english. if you are a kid you can watch cartoons in english.

казахстан – земля родная

любим мы тебя.

море, горы, даль степная- 

это родина моя!

как велика моя земля,

как широки ее просторы-

озера, реки и поля,

леса, и степь, и горы.


облетал он сто земель.

облетал, обходил,

крылья, ноги натрудил.

мы спросили журавля:

- где же лучшая земля? -

отвечал он, пролетая:

- лучше нет родного края!

kazakhstan, our native land !

we love you very much.

sea, mountains, the steppe:

it is my homeland!

how great is my land,

how wide are its expanses -

lakes, rivers and fields,

forests, the steppe, and mountains.

crane, crane, crane!

he flew over a hundred lands.

flew, and walked,

his wings, and feet got tired,

we asked the crane:

- where's the best land? -

he answered, flying:

- there's nothing better than your home!

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