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Переведите текст прошу только не с переводчика. once upon a time on an island in the red sea there lived a man. one day he took flour and water,and carrots, and plums, and sugar and made himself a very big brown cake. but just as he was going to eat it there came down to the beach the rhinoceros with two piggy eyes and bad manners.he said, how and the man left the cake and climbed to the top of a tree.the rhinoceros ate the cake and went away.the man came down from the thee and said. "them that takes cakes,wich the man bakes, makes dreadful " five weeks later the weather was very hot and all the animals took off their skins. the rhinoceros left his skin on the beach and went into the water. at that moment the man put cake crumbs inside the skin and climbed on the top of the tree.the rhinoceros came out of the water and put his skin on, and it tickled like cake crumbs in bed. не ran to the tree and rubbed, and rubbed himself against it. and he rubbed his skin into great folds on his neck and over his legs. and from that day a rhinoceros has great folds in his skin.

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Давным-давно на острове в красном море жил один человек. однажды он взял муку, воду, морковь, сливки, сахар  и сделал себе большой коричневый торт. но как только он собирался съесть его там спустился на пляж носорог с двумя поросячьими глазами и дурными манерами.он как и мужчина оставил пирог и полез на верхушку дерева.носорог съел торт и ушел.человек спустился с дерева и сказал. "те, кто берет торты,которые человек печет, делает ужасные "пять недель спустя погода была жарко и все звери скинул свои шкуры. носорог оставил свой кожу на пляже и пошёл  в воду. в этот момент мужчина положил торт крошками внутри кожи и взобрался на самую верхушку дерева.носорог вышел из воды и положить его на кожу, и было щекотно, как торт крошками в постели. не побежал к дереву, и терли, и терли его на себе. и он протер его кожу в складках на шее и за ноги. и с этого дня носорог имеет большие складки в его коже.

The afghan despite the fact that the attention of the world community largely converted to other regional armed conflicts, the afghan problem still remains one of the most urgent in the world. conflicts on the territory of the former yugoslavia, ireland, clashes on ethnic grounds in the former ussr, in comparison with which the war in afghanistan causes less interest is due to the fact that they appeared at the territory of the european continent or due to the fact that in their early settlement are very interested united states and other leading powers, or even the entire world in general. more profoundly, the afghan problem affects not only the interests of the inhabitants of this country, but also from russia and all countries of the commonwealth of independent states and possibly the whole world. still not resolved this crisis, cis, apparently, will not be able to remove themselves from afghanistan. the problematic situation around afghanistan for member states of the commonwealth is mainly reduced to the three points. first, on the territory of this country is home to a large number of turkmens, uzbeks and tajiks, which is very troubling the former central asian republics of the ussr. secondly, it is the problem of prisoners of war. the afghan opposition leaders have repeatedly stated that the issue of prisoners of war will be resolved immediately and only after the ussr will stop arms supplies in kabul. but, of course, these obligations were not fulfilled as holding prisoners of war, the mujahideen will continue to have leverage with the commonwealth countries, especially in the area of allocation of funds for the restoration of the ruined the soviet-afghan war economy. the claim of afghanistan to compensation by the successors of the ussr losses war is another sore spot in the russian-afghan relations. in response to numerous statements of such content the management of russia has made a statement on 15 november 1992, in which, in particular, says that russia will participate in the restoration of the destroyed economy of afghanistan, which supplies peaceful goods will not stop and that russia is going to help the long-suffering afghan people of humanitarian aid and other means possible. all this, of course, speaks of the importance and urgency of the afghan problem now and, at least in the near future. but, choosing the soviet-afghan war, the topic for your essay, i was guided not only by these considerations, and in many respects and even largely by a desire to see this war as a part of the historical past, let stupid. i also wanted to find out for myself that it was a “war” or “a limited contingent of troops”if you at first it was silent,then shyly portrayed as minor surgery”limited contingent ” against separate gangs in some areas afganistaanaa avoided the word “war”. when the execute international debt” has lasted for years and have turned into the long into this century for our country in war,began to finally talk about the war, the victims of war veterans and invalids of the afghan war. only in the eighth year of the war began to bury our soldiers humanly, with indication of the place of historical and contemporary aspects, in which i wanted to present their work, however, not mutually exclusive - in fact from any lesson of history, and especially such a bloody, you can make a very useful conclusions. the main thing is that such a desire has arisen in those who are now firing on each other in yugoslavia and in other hot spots of the planet,including modern afghanistan.

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