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Тут надо с фразовыми глаголами turn. translate the sentences into english. 1. он появился в доме неожиданно. 2. оказалось, что он был учителем 3. она оглянулась и засмеялась. 4. оказалось, что колумб открыл америку, а не индию. 5. выключи, компьютер. 6. включи телевизор. 7. она снова и снова перелистывала альбом с фотографиями. это была ее жизни 8. они все перевернули в доме, но ничего не нашли.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. he turned up at the house unexpectedly.  2. it turned out  he was a teacher  3. she turned round and laughed.  4. it turned out  columbus discovered america, and not india.    5. turn off the computer, please.  6. turn on the tv.  7. she again and again was turned  over  photo album. it was the story of her life.    8. they all turned over in the house, but found nothing.

My favorite artist is Leonardo Da Vinci. He was born on April 15, 1452, in the village of Anciano near Florence. Leonardo Da Vinci is an Italian artist (painter, sculptor, architect, Inventor, writer, musician). He is one of the greatest representatives of the art of the High Renaissance, a prime example of a "universal man". The first teacher Leonardo (when he was about 15 years old) is considered by Andrea del Verrocchio, an Italian sculptor and artist of the Renaissance. When he was an adult, Leonardo  had his own workshop in Florence in 1476-1481. For many years he traveled to Italy, doing mathematics, engineering. During the years 1495-1498, Leonardo worked on the fresco "The Last Supper" at the Monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan. In 1503, Leonardo da Vinci drew the most famous painting of "Mona Lisa".  Leonardo da Vinci died in 1519 in France. Admiring today Da Vinci's paintings, considering his designs of different structures, mankind is grateful to this talent from the giants of the Renaissance.


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