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Нужно составить с каждой фразой по предложению . 1) twenty four seven 2) take it easy 3) i am broke 4)like the back of my hand 5)get the ball rolling 6) in ages

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) the restaurant my friend works in is open twenty four seven

2) take it easy, i didn’t mean to offend you

3) i can’t lend you any money because i am broke

4) i know the periodic table of elements like the back of my hand

5) no one wanted to be the  first to speak at the meeting, so i decided to get the ball rolling and said a few words

6) i haven’t seen my grandmother in ages, i’m going to her place this weekend

Conditional 2


В условной части (if-clause) используется past simple, в основной would с инфинитивом

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