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Перевести в пассивном залоге, , 1) тетради первоклассников проверяют каждый день 2) мою к/р сейчас проверяют. 3) наши работы уже проверили завтра их раздадут. 4) он не может зайти в свою комнату-её красят. 5) только лучшие ученики будут отобраны для выступления. 6) законы не меняли последние 10 лет. 7) -где мой любимый джинсы? -они стираются. будут постираны через 20 минут.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) notebooks first graders check every day  2) my l/r now.  3) our work is already checked out tomorrow will distribute them.  4) he can not go to your room-it's being painted.  5) only the best students will be selected for presentation.  6) the laws have not been changed in the last 10 years.  7) -where my favorite jeans? -they are erased. will be washed in 20 minutes.

At noon yesterday they held their monthly meeting. he worked as a driver 5 years ago. you arrived to the airport on time? the teacher gave the students the test when the director came into the class.he went to school yesterday? you worked all morning? she sits on a bench while the children played. 8. their car broke down, when he was going to work. when he came home, she cooked lunch. i read the book when you called

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