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Напиши по образцу (she/draw) hedrew did he draw? 1. (she/ 2.(it/ 3.(he/ 4.(you/put) 5.(they/meet) напиши по образцу (he/fall) he fell he didn't fall 1.(she/ 2.(it/sing) 3.(you/tell) 4.(they/do) 5.(he/have)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. she had. did she has? ( если под словом have не имеется ввиду глагол иметь) 2. it caught. did it catch? 3. he made. did he make? 4. you put. did you put? 5. they met. did they meet? 1. she came. she didn't come. 2. it sang. it didn't sing. 3. you told. you didn't tell. 4.they did. they didn't do. 5.he had. he didn't has( то же, что и в самом первом случае).

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