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Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verb in brackets. there may be more that one possible answer. a: good afternoon. (come) far? b: no, for the last two weeks, i (live) with my friend ten minutes away. a: that’s lucky. alright, a question we like to ask all our candidates is ‘why (want) this job? b: that’s a very good question. i (take) many courses on writing software at university and really (love) it. when i finished university, i (not find) a job in software. since then i (write) thirteen programmes. in fact you (buy) all of them. i (think) you like my work. a: that’s true. in fact i, (look) at your programmes and we (think) for a long time that you would work well here. one final question. last week our best designer (go) on a one-year holiday and we have to finish a programme quickly. when can you start? b: i (meet) the owner of my house today but i can start tomorrow.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.lived 2.want 3.took 4.love 5.didn't find 6.wrote 7.bought 8.think 9.looked 10.think 11.went 12.will meet может быть неправильно

1) наши инженеры проверили эту машину в движении.

в отрицательном будет: our engineers  didn't test  this machinery in the motion.

2)  теперь работники устанавливают новый трек.

в отрицательном будет: now the workers aren't laying down the new track.

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