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1) заполни пропуски предлогами. предлоги: in the middle of, in, to, above, on. 1.he likes to ski winter. 2.do you like to listen music? 3.i play tennis sunday. 4.what is there the room. 5.there is a nice picture table. 2) составь предложения из слов. 1.is, an armchair, there, in your kitchen? 2. did, clean, your room, you, yesterday? 3.it, in winter, is, very cold. 4.a lot of sweets, there, in the box, were. 5.my mother, next summer, will take me, to the black sea.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. in 2.to 3.on 4.in the middle of 5.above

1. Does Mary take the dog for a walk in the evenings?

2. Does Peter buy a morning newspaper every day?

3. Do I come to every lesson?

4. Do we go to the seaside every summer?

5. Do you go shopping on Saturday mornings?

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