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Скажи когда ты обычно делаешь это: образец at 8 o'clock i get up. -get to bed; -get up; -brush teeth; -go to school; do homework; -have lunch; -have breakfast; -have dinner; -wash face; -read a book; -watch tv; -come back from school

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At 9 o'clock l get to bed at 7 o'clock l get up at 8 o' clock brush my teeth at 9 o' clock i go to school at 16 o' clock l do my homework at 17 o' clock l have lunch at 18 o' clock l have breakfast at 20 o' clock l have diner at 21 o' clock l wash my face at 22 o' clock l read a book at 22 30 o clock l watch tv at 14 o' clock l come back from school

Complete thesentences withthe phrasal verbsin the diagram inthe correct form

The check-in desk assistant the while she checked theflight times.(wait)2Sean had always said i well withhis neighbours.(have a good relationship)3Sam doubts that freeganism will not all around the country.(become popular)4The security this as wequeued up at the check-in desk.(watch)5When Fran grew out of her baby clothes, we very them ve to my brother’sfamily.(give something to someone else)6A lot of Mongolians the nomadic lifestyle, moving from one place toanother.(continue)

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