Draw your favourite television programme.wrie about it.my favourite it s on at o clock. what s your friend s favourite television софия прекрасная

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Напиши твой любимую телевизионную программу моя любимая sofia beutiful.это канал disney и часы. какая любимаю телевизионная программа у твоих друзей? sofia beutiful.


The problems of employmentare still crucial fora labor market in Kazakhstan, despite of the overall unemployment rate decreasing in the country. At the same time, youth employmentis out of proper attention today. A number of disclosed problems shows that instruments of governmentadjustmentfor graduates’ placement in the labor market are not sufficient. The paper discusses youth employment in a labor market in the Republic of Kazakhstan, identifies problems of youth employment, as well as suggestssome remedies for them.

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