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Перевести предложения в пассив! 1)they grow coffe in kenya. 2)i will inform you about the results. 3)we bought those souvenirs in spain. 4)they close their shop on sundays. 5)the bank accepted our pavements. 6)mary will lead you to the cash point. 7)they've already found the hotel. 8)people speak much about this couple. 9)the teacher is dictating a sentence. 10)polititians ofter refer to winston churchill's speeches.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.coffee is grown in kenya. 2.you will be informed about the results. 3.those souvenirs were bought in spain. 4.their shop is closed on sundays. 5.our pavements were accepted by the bank. 6.you will be led to the cash point by mary. 7.the hotel have been already found. 8.this couple is spoken much about. 9.a sentence is being dictated by the teacher. 10.winston chutchill's speeches are often referred to by politicians.

мой характер довольно сложный и непредсказуемый.

my character is quite complex and unpredictable.

  моментами я сама не могу предположить, что от себя ожидать.

sometimes i can’t imagine what to expect from myself.

  я становлюсь вспыльчивой по мелочам и долго не могу прийти в норму.

i become hot-tempered over  a  mere   trifle and i can’t get back to normal condition for a very long time.

  но я всегда родным и близким. but i always help my family and friends.

  я отзываюсь на любую просьбу о . i respond to any request for help.

  я крайне обидчива, но отходчива, так как не отличаюсь злопамятностью.

i am extremely touchy, but i forgive quickly, as i am not spiteful.

  в школьных вопросах я ленивая, работа и семья отнимает много времени. as for school i'm lazy, work and family take a lot of time.

  еще одно мое качество – это аккуратность. one more quality is accuracy.

  я люблю, чтобы вещи лежали на своих местах, а в доме было чисто и уютно. i like things to be in their places, and my house is clean and cozy.

  я - пунктуальна, не люблю когда опаздывают. i'm punctual, i don’t like being late.

  также, как и у каждого человека у меня есть недостатки, мой недостаток это лень и оставлять важные дела на последний момент.

also as every person i have minuses, my minus is laziness and doing important things at the last moment.

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