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Какому герою из сказке вы хотели бы создать памятник? почему? опишите памятник и сделайте соответствующий рисунок.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Iwould like to erect a monument to his grandfather from a fairy tale about gold rybke.potomu-chpotomu-he was dobryy.a as he loved his wife and performed all her zhelaniya.no while he did not ask anything in zamen.i i hope that someday it all still a monument.

One dark night a young man was going (past continuous)  home from the railway station.   it was (past simple) very late  and there were (past simple) very few people in the streets. the young man was (past simple)  very nervous because he had never returned (past perfect)  home so late. suddenly  he felt (past simple)  that somebody was following (past continuous) him.  the young man thought (past simple) that it was (past simple)  a robber  and decided   (past simple)  to walk as quickly as he could (past simple). when he looked   (past simple)  back he saw (past simple) that the man was still following (past continuous) him.  the young man  turned (pst simple) into another street.  the man turned (past simple)  into that street too.  now the young man was (past simple)  quite sure that the man was (past simple) a robber. the young man turned (past simple) round and asked:   "what do you want (present simple)? why are you following (present continuous)  me? "  "i am going (present continuous)  to see mr brown," said (past simple) the man, "and the porter at the station told (past simple)  me:   'if you follow (present simple)  this young man, you will find (future simple) his house easily, he l ives (present simple) next door to  mr brown.'"  

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