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Информация про тропически лес(джунгли) 5-6 предложений

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Тропические   леса это леса которые растут в тропических и субтропических регионах. тропические леса занимают коло шести процентов поверхности суши земли. есть два основных типа тропических лесов влажные тропические леса и сухие тропические леса. тропические леса как правило имеют четыре различных яруса   которые определяют структуру леса. ярусы включают в себя лесную подстилку подлесок верхний навес и верхний ярус. лесная подстилка самое темное место в тропическом лесу куда проникает мало солнечного света. подлесок это слой леса между землёй и до высоты   около 20 метров

Large military fleet (130 ships) collected by spain in the years 1586-1588 for the invasion of england during the anglo-spanish war (1585-1604). trek armada took place in may and september 1588 under the command of alonso perez de guzman, duke of medina sidonia. armada was tacky anglo-dutch fleet of light and maneuverable ships, commanded by charles howard [en], in a series of battles that ended gravelinskim battle. they distinguished themselves "pirates elizabeth", the most famous of which - francis drake. the battles lasted for 2 weeks. armada failed to regroup and went to the north, abandoning the invasion, with the english fleet followed her at a distance, walking along the east coast of england. returning to spain was a difficult one: armada went north through the atlantic, along the west coast of ireland. as a result of severe storms, many ships were dumped on the northern and western coast of the island. during the expedition was lost over 60 ships (and only 7 of them - combat losses).

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