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40 1) дополните предложение: bring soup from kitchen. a) a / a b) -/ - c) the/ a d) the/ the e) a/ the 2)дополните предложение: brain wake up about seven o clock every day? a) does b) do c) is d) done e) to do 3) вставьте правильную форму глагола: be a very busy week. a) - b) is going to c) were going to d) are going to e) am going to 4)выберите правильный вариант фразового глагола "to take" my mother to the theatre a) taking on b) taking back c) taking up d) taking out e) taking in 5) выберите правильный вариант предлога: my sister is always angry me when i am late a) to b) with c) from d) on e) for 6)найдите слово с приставкой: a) important b) imperative c) imagine d) impression e) impossible 7) выберите правильный вариант: this chair comfortable that one. a) more b) worst c) longest d) as e) fine

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1.e) 2.a) 3.b) 4.d) 5.b) 6.e) 7.d)

Space always were interesting for humanity. there are many explorations in the space,so i will tell you about them. in 1957 the first satellite sputnik 1 started to work. also, in 1957 the first animal began her trip to the space. it was a dog laika on sputnik 2. in 1961 the first person gagarin went to space and german titov became the first person who stayed in the space for 24 hours. there is the first woman valentina tereshkova in the space in 1963. in 1965 people understood how walk in the space and aleksey leonov tried it in the space. vladimir titov and musa manarov spent over one year in the space station.

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