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1. is it? isn t it? doesn t he? don t they? can t he? do you? mustn t we? write a tag for each sentence/ 1.you are a 2.your sister is not a 3.the boys aren t in the 4.we can have a party on 5.they can t see 6.you have a new 7.you like 8.ann doesn t play computer 9.robert likes the 10.the childrenread 2.answer the questions. 1.you can swim,can t you? 2.it isn t cold today,is it? 3.you are in the siхth form,aren t you? 4.you don t go to scnool on saturday,do you? 5.you have a computer,haven t you? 6.you help your mum,don t you? 7.your friend plays basketball well,doesn t he (she)?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) arent you 2) is she 3) are they 4) cant we 5) can they 6) dont you 7) dont you 8) does she 9) doesnt he 10) dont they 2) 1)no, i cant 2) you're right, it is 3) no, i study in the university 4) i don't go to school at all 5) of course i have a computer 6) whenever i can, i do 7) no, he doesnt. but he does play cs 1.6 well

                                                                                                  moscow                                                                                                     russia                                                                                                     27/05/2017 dear ben, thanks for your recent letter. it was great to hear from you again. you asked me about pets. well, i think some people refuse to have pets because it's a great responsibility. besides, they have to spend time and money on them. personally, i don't approve of keeping such unusual pets as lizards or different insects. i believe they should live in their natual habitat. as for the most common pets in russia, i should say that these are cats, dogs, budgies and hamsters. it's easy to look after them. that's all for now. write back soon. love, mary

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