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По нужно составить предложения в present simple 5 что делал 5 что не делал?

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Usually he goes to the library on sundays(present simple ) обычно он ходит в библиотеку по воскресеньям.the steamer sails tomorrow.  пароход  уходит  завтра .he  works  a lot. - он много работает.she never  drinks  coffee. - она никогда не пьет кофе. it  barks  at every tree. - он лает на каждое дерево. yesterday he went to the library. (past simple) вчера он ходил в библиотеку.i  started  to learn english. – я начала учить язык. the plane  landed. – самолет приземлился. we  studied  a lot because we wanted to get good marks. – мы много учились, потому что мы хотели получить хорошие оценки. he  listened  to music yesterday. – он вчера слушал музыку. he will go to the library tomorrow. (future simple) завтра он пойдет в библиотеку.   i’ll call   you back. – я тебе перезвоню.- i’ll help   you with your bag. – я тебе с сумкой.- people  will live   on the moon in the year 3000. – в 3000 году люди будут жить на луне.the weather  will be  fine tomorrow. – погода будет хорошей завтра. they’ll call   us back soon. – они скоро нам перезвонят

1. today is monday. mrs brown goes shopping every monday afternoon. now she is in the supermarket. she has bought some cakes and two white loaves. her daughter susan likes cakes. mr brown does not like cakes, he likes fruit: apples, oranges, lemons and so on. mr brown is not at home now. he is working in the city. susan is at school. she is having a french class now. mrs brown (is walking) along the counters. she can buy all they ( need) in the supermarket. 2. it (is) sunday morning. mrs brown (is) in the kitchen; she (is cooking) the sunday dinner. her husband and children (are) at home and they can have dinner in the afternoon. mr brown (does not go) to the office on sunday and he can work in the garden. he ( grows) vegetables and flowers. his flowers (are) very nice.

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