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1)it to rain after we to the station.(start/get) 2)we __ the village where we __as children.(visit/live) 3)by the time we __ the inn all the /leave) 4)we__him just after he __ newz of his dismissal.(meet/get 5)i said i __that play before.(see) 6)nobody__ where she /go) 7)they __ dinner when we /arrive) 8)he said that he already twice __ our town.(visit) 9)we __ to know which novels he /read) 10)they told us that the children __ all the cake.(eat)надо подставить слова в правильном форме. past simple или past perfect.например одно слово если в паст симпл,то второе слово в паст перфикт.на завтра

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.started, had got 2.visited, had lived 3.reached, had left 4.met, had got 5.had seen 6.knew, had gone 7.had finished, arrived 8.had already twice visited 9.wanted, had read 10.had eaten

my trip

travelling is the most exciting thing in the world. first of all, it lets us discover the world from different sides, visit different countries and experience their cultures and traditions. moreover, we have a chance to enrich our knowledge about life in general and particularly about ourselves. travelling also gives us an opportunity to meet new interesting people, learn new languages, taste different national dishes and develop our skills. that’s why i’m trying to travel as much as possible. last year i visited new-york, usa. i got there by plane. it took me more than 8 hours. the most exciting thig i saw was the empire state building. i had a fantastic time and learnt a lot about this marvelous and famous landmark.the first thing i’ve noticed about this beautiful building is that it looks like a giant pencil, with a tall and pointed top. i caught my breath, when i rose my head to see it at first. the architecture of the empire state building is gorgeous.. there was so much to see and do inside the tower. there were two observations with spectacular views, lovely coffee shops and some souvenir shops. i’ve bought several postcards, so that i will always remember that day.i felt a little sad when it was time to live. i had a good time in new-york and i hope to go there again next winter.

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