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Ответы на вопрос:

She has never been to australia. we have already cleaned our flat. they have eaten their lunch. he hasn't asked her about homework yet. i haven't visited japan. you have tried this new perfume. have you ever jumped with parachute? has she cooked the dinner? have they played this game?

Отрицательные: i haven't eaten the dinner yet she hasn't bought that dress they haven't prepared their decision yet. вопросительные have you already eaten your dinner? has she bought that dress? have they already prepared their decision? утвердительные i have known  her since 2015 she has already crossed the road they have already built a new house

Ссамого детства я мечтала о маленьком щенке и вот в этот новый год я получила этот подарок.я обрадовалась увидев щенка.все подарки для меня уже стали не важны этот подарок стал моим самым лучшим в моей жизни.моя мечта сбылась.сейчас я за ним ухаживаю и его люблю.этот подарок запомнился мне на всю жизнь. since childhood i dreamed about a little puppy and in this new year, i was given this gift.i was very happy when he saw the puppy.all the gifts for me have become not important this gift was my best in my life.my dream has come true.i now care for it and love it.this gift stuck with me for life.

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