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Задайте,,вопросы к предложениям: 1)every educated person has a home library and his favourite book. 2) many boys and girls take musical classes where they learn to sing or to play different musical instruments. 3)millions of people like to watch tv in their spare time. 4) when dickens was only twelve years old, he went to work in a factory. 5) the library has more than six million books that occupy more than 80 miles of shelves. 6) to this day an english family prefers a house with a garden to a flat in a modern house with central heating. 7) everyone can attend public comprehensive school where they study basic subjects such as maths, science, physics, languages, history and physical education. 8) at the age of 23 shakespeare went to london to seek his fortune in a company of actors.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)  what has every educated person?

2) what do boys and girls do at the musical classes they take?

3) what do millions of people like to do in their spare time?

4) how old was dickens, when he went to work in a factory?

5) how much books has the library and how much miles of shelves do books occupy?

6) what does an english family prefer nowdays?

7) what school can everyone attend, where they study basic subjects? what subject can they study?

8) why did shakespeare go to london, when he was 23?


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Well, it’s no secret music takes in integral part in life of society. I’m not the exception either. As for me , I prefer the two genres of music: romantic and rock. Sometimes they can be combined, by the way.

When I feel bored , I turn on some kind of relax , it definitely helps me restore my mood and pull myself together. Also, I can listen something before my bedtime, this in its turn makes me nice sleepy.

If I do some exercises in the gym, I do like to listen to the kind of rock metal. Energy of this music provides me more desire to lift weights again and again. It’s good aggression for my successful trainings, moreover this causes to get rid of the bad mood and thoughts.

In summer, I often take my bike rides in a park and my heavy metal roars via the earphones. That’s really amazing.

Finally, I can’t see the way living without music and hope it makes the humanity the best.


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