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Выберите глаголы в действительном или страдательном залоге: 1. much attention (is devoted/devotes) to the development of this science. 2.the architect (was built/built) many beautiful bridges in town. 3.they (study/are studied) the properties of this material. 4.he (influenced/was influenced) by his friends. 5. he (reconstructed/was reconstructed) an old crunch in our town. 6. he (was caught/caught) by police yesterday. 7. the manager (gave/was given) an interesting work by the president. 8. a beautiful cathedral (built/was built) in our town in the 11 century. 9. canals (link/are linked) many rivers in great britain. 10.the book (consists/is consisted) of 4 parts. 11. the first olympic games (held/were held) in greece in 777 b.c. 12.at the station they will (meet,be met) by a man from the travel bureau. 13.she will (meet,be met) them in the hall upstairs. 14.the porter will (bring,be brought) your luggage to your room. 15.your luggage will (bring, be brought) up in the lift.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. much attention is devoted to the development of this science. 2.the architect built many beautiful bridges in town. 3.they study the properties of this material. 4.he was influenced by his friends. 5. he reconstructed an old crunch in our town. 6. he was caught by police yesterday. 7. the manager was given an interesting work by the president. 8. a beautiful cathedral was built in our town in the 11 century. 9. canals link many rivers in great britain. 10.the book consists of 4 parts. 11. the first olympic games were held in greece in 777 b.c. 12.at the station they will be met by a man from the travel bureau. 13.she will meet them in the hall upstairs. 14.the porter will bring your luggage to your room. 15.your luggage will be brought up in the lift.

1. is devoted 2. built 3. study 4. was influenced 5. reconstructed 6. was caught 7. was given 8. was built 9. link 10 consists 11. were held 12. will be met 13. will meet 14. will bring 15. will be brought

Iconsider that the person shouldn't judge about books on its cover. of course, covers of modern books very bright, and on them we can find some information about books. for example, on the forward party of a cover we can find information on the author, the name of the book, date of the edition. and on the back party there is a summary. but not always the cover reflects book contents. only after reading of the book we can draw a conclusion, boring or interesting this or that book. following from my experience, it is possible to tell that the majority of interesting books i have very modest oblozhku.so i think that before judging the book it is necessary to read it.

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