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Переведите предложения. я думаю что лилия завтра уедет. я думаю что артём завтра приедет. я думала что моя оценка будет 3. я думала что не пойду сегодня гулять. я сейчас гуляю. я сейчас смотрю телевизор.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ithink lily will leave tomorrow.i think artem will arrive tomorrow. i thought that my rating would be 3.i thought that i wouldn't go out tonight. i'm walking now.i'm watching tv now.

1)am i still writting that report i am not writting that report 2) is he busy in the afternoon? he is not busy in the afternoon 3) has she worked here for two year? she has not worked here for two year 4) have we got a lot of english customers? we have not got a lot of english customers 5) do we went to the beach everyday? we don't went to the beach everyday 6)are there some flights on sunday? there aren't flight's on sunday 7)will the secretary send out the invitations? the secretary will not send out the invitations 9)can he program a computer? he can not program a computer

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