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С. напишите перевод ."конфликт произошел потому что ,отец хотел убить слабую и беззащитную свинью,а девочка была против.ей было ее жаль" не с переводчика))

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Ответы на вопрос:

The conflict occurred because the father wanted to kill the weak and defenseless pig, and the girl was against it. she felt sorry for her что то ещё?

The conflict occurred because the father wanted to kill the weak and defenseless pig,and the girl was against.she was sorry for her"

She doesn`t like bananas and oranges. she can`t count and play chees well. she isn`t brave and strong. we don`t go to shool together./ does she like bananas and oranges? can she count and play chees well? is she brave and strong? do we go to shool together?

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