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1.i am reading an interesting book. – я читаю интересную книгу. 2.next week we are buying a new car. – на следующей неделе мы покупаем новую машину.  3.this film is too boring. i am leaving. – этот фильм слишком скучный, я ухожу. 4.the weather is improving. – погода улучшается. 5.i  am  sitting  at my table and writing.-я сижу за столом и пишу. 6. i’m leaving  tomorrow.-я уезжаю завтра. 7.he is smiling. – он улыбается 8. we’re flying  to paris in the morning.  -  мы вылетаем в париж утром. 9.i am working now. — я сейчас работаю. 10. he is talking to his friend. – он разговаривает с другом

scotland is famous for its lakes (called) lochs. the most famous of

them is loch ness because people believe that a big monster lives in it. different people (visiting) the

lake at different times showed photos (taken) of the strange animal they saw. but nobody can say for

sure that those photos are real. nessy is the nickname (given) to the monster by people (looking)

for it. many expeditions (sent) to find nessy gave no results. today people (going) by boat around the lake say that they can see nessy from time to time, but this monster is still a great mystery for everyone. if you

want to learn more about it, go to the website (telling) all the news about nessy and (giving) you a chance not only to see the monster’s photos but also to read the latest news about nessy (got) by

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