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Put the verbs in brackets into past simple or present perfect. 1. jill: (1. you / be ) on holiday this year? fred: no, i (2. can / not) go, because i (3. break) my leg in july and (4. have) to stay in hospital. 2. helen: (5. you / visit) the british museum yet? dan: yes, i (6.be) there three times, but i (7. not / see) everything yet. 3. nan: i’m ever so sorry, jim, but i (8. burn) your lunc h. mary (9. phone) and i (10. forget) about the food. jim: that’s okay. i (11. already / eat). 4. kate: i (12. buy) a new coat yesterday, but when i (13. arrive ) home, i (14. find) a hole in the seam. laura: what (15. you/ do ) (16. you / take) it back t o the shop? kate: no, i (17.not / be) into town yet. i’ll do this afternoon.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. have you been on holiday this year?

2. no, i couldn't go because i 3. broke my leg in july and 4.had to stay in hospital.

5.have you visited the british museum yet?

6.yes i have been there three times but i 7. haven't seen everything yet. 

burned your lunch. mary 9. phoned and i 10. forgot about the food.

have already eaten. 12.i bought a new coat yesterday, but when i 13. arrived home, i 14. found a hole in the seam. 15. what did you do? 16. did you take it back to the shop? 17. no, i haven't been into town yet.

1. always wear a seat belt   - всегда пристегивай ремень безопасности.  2. don't talk to the driver. - не разговаривай с водителем.  3. look both ways before crossing - посмотри в обе стороны перед тем как переходить дорогу.  4. don't run into the road.   - не выбегай на дорогу.  5. walk on the pavement. - иди по  тротуару. 

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